Friday, May 31, 2002

Am I the world's biggest loser? I think I am. Here I am, sitting at home, posting on my BLOG on a friday night. I'm single now, I'm not ready for a new relationship, but I'm certainly ready to have some fun now! But no, here I am, a big loser. :( and the double date for tomorrow? not looking so great. A friend of mine is going out with this guy, but he thinks it's too much of short notice for him to be able to find someone for me. :( and then we thought of someone who could go, a friend's older brother, and it seemed perfect. We have a lot in common, and I know him. he's a nice fellow. But no! he's perfectly willing to come, but he's going to a party tomorrow. And you know what? the more I thought about it, the more fun it would be to go out with him. I feel like such a dork. nobody wants me anymore, except gross people at school. *sob* am I that undesireable??
My mommy is out of town for the weekend, and I might be going on a double date tomorrow with a friend! yippee!

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Take the href="" target="new"> "How Do You Use Magic?" test! Written by Brimo

Thursday, May 30, 2002

Went to the doctor's yesterday. If you know me really well, you're next question should be which one, lol. This one was the diabetes dr. (that's pronounced die-uh-bee-tees, not die-uh-bee-tus, thankyouverymuch.) THings not going to well, specifically because of my doing. But now I'm on a new plan. (i'm taking lantus now, although that probably means nothing to you). Good news though, since February I've lost 15 pounds, YAY. OK, I think that's it for now . . . btw, I'm charlie brown. (don't feel like posting the link, sorry)

Wednesday, May 29, 2002

Ok, so am I doomed to be haunted by him forever? Ex-boyfriend means not anymore. It means I shouldn't have to deal with him or think about him. Well, that's fine and dandy, except when I have these stupid back together dreams. I hate them! I'm always so happy in them when we're together, and then I wake up and feel horribly depressed. I wish they would stop. I don't need that. . . . On a happier note, the weather has been sooooo gorgeous lately! It's finally feeling like summer! So after that horribly wonderful josh dream, I had a yummylicious Falcon Ridge dream! Yay! I dreamt it was the day before FR and we had just arrived, and were setting up the tents and stuff, it was great. ANd there were lots of friendly people making music. it was happy happy. :) So I think in that summer spirit I'm gonna go lay out in the sun because I CAN! wee!

Tuesday, May 28, 2002

Got lots of new undies today! I went shopping, and got 5 bras and 10 pairs of undies. yay. and I even splurged! (with my gramma's money, lol) I got two sexy bras (see through lacey ones, not like the usual kind I get). I got one pair of sexy undies, but damn, that stuff is expensive!! oh well, I'm all decked out now! (of course, I don't happen to be wearing any of that now, but whatever)
What is it with men and cars? My step-father is anal about me checking the various fluids in my car. Is it really that important that I check the oil every two weeks? Oh well. I'll do it. (maybe)
I got a new book today too. A Clockwork Orange not too sure what it's about, but I'm sure it will be right up my alley. It's Josh's fave book, so I'll have a good time reading it. that's all ttfn!

Sunday, May 26, 2002

ugh, I know I said this before, but being sick is really no fun at all. I'm not barfing anymore (let's thank god (or whoever's out there) for the simple things). Now I simply feel completely drained of any and all energy. I spent most of the day reading in bed. I finished the Ya-Ya Sisterhood book. It was not as good as I remembered it being, but I'm guessing that's because of my extreme literary knowledge that I have now. (haha, ok, maybe not. I've just read some real books, instead of all that Danielle Steel crap (which I completely good to read if you want to think about nothing) that I used to read.) Anyway, the book was still good, made me think lots about how much I luvvvv my mommy. aww. :)
Let me tell you, guys are so dumb. I'm sorry. Maybe not all of them, but the ones that I've been in contact with lately . . . sheesh. Enough to make a girl go lesbian, except I don't think I could put up with the girls either! That's it, self-love only from now on. :)