Wednesday, October 13, 2004

So, yeah. As should be obvious since I haven't posted in this blog in over a year, I don't use this one any more. I'm keeping the blog around so I can comment on some other blogs out there. I've moved over to livejournal, so you can now find me at I've also put a bunch of my writing on a website, so if you want to look at any of that, go here:

Saturday, June 21, 2003

hmmm... got a livejournal today, so i don't know how much i'll be doing around here. i'll be keeping it anyway just because i'm proud of all the work i did on the template. :)

Friday, June 20, 2003

blah de blah de blah.... another week of not working= bored out of my mind. thank god i'm back at work next week. besides the fact that i REALLY need the money.... my guitar lessons are going well. i have semi-sort-of-not-really-but-kind-of mastered EZ People.... FR is only 33 days away, AGH! soooooo very excited about that. :).... and now, onto the friday 5:

1. Is your hair naturally curly, wavy, or straight? Long or short?
naturally as straight as straight can be. and right now it's on the long end of short.

2. How has your hair changed over your lifetime?
ummm... hasn't changed too much. i had the same hairstyle from the time i was born till i chopped it in 6th grade. looked awful and i thought i couldn't wear it short, so i went back to my old hair style. then i chopped it right before senior year, and i loved it, but now i'm growing it out again. oh, and it has been highlighted and colored various shades of brownish-red many times.

3. How do your normally wear your hair?
eh, however the mood strikes me. down, up, whatever.

4. If you could change your hair this minute, what would it look like?
it would be the length that i am trying to grow it out to, and my bangs would be GONE! (they're very annoying)

5. Ever had a hair disaster? What happened?
yes. it's a long story, but basically my uncle who cuts hair for a living got mad at me and stopped cutting my hair halfway through my haircut.

Friday, June 13, 2003

not much to say for the last week except that my life has been totally boring. I didn't work at all this week, and i'm not working at all next week. And when i don't work, i don't work out, i don't do anything at all. In fact, I mostly lay around the house watching tv. which really sucks ass. Hopefully next week will be my last non working week and i can get back to a healthy lifestyle. till then, i'm slummin it.

Friday, June 06, 2003

okie dokie... news of the day:

I weighed myself today and found out i lost ten pounds since last month when i was at the dr's office. all that work at the gym and eating better is paying off!

I signed up for guitar lessons. i start weds. now i can be a true folkie. :-) very excited about this.

Got my PAYCHECK! finally. (that's why i was able to sign up for the guitar lessons)

Went to the tattoo parlor with sydy to look at tattoos for her, and me. :) getting my treble cleff soon. as soon as i have the money, anyway...

That's about all for today.... going to see The Kennedys tomorrow night in b-lo. also very excited about that.... and FR is looming closer and closer, VERY VERY excited about that... there's just so much excitement in my life! lol

Monday, June 02, 2003

guess what i did this weekend? can't guess? I'll show you.... LOOK! *g*

Friday, May 30, 2003

laaa laa... not too much to day. I've started working, thank god. 40 hours these past two weeks, but soon it will be 40 hours a week. And let me say, I never appreciated how much work goes into ab 8 hour day. Now i do. :)