Friday, April 11, 2003

What is with the 60s people? I realize, revolution, good music, free love, whatever. But don't underestimate the other decades! How about the great literature of the 20s? Literature not enough? Well, it was women's lib, and prohibition so the alcohol was flowing more than ever. Or the 40s. War era. Patriotism. Women finally entering the work force. Seventies, disco, drugs, and porn. Boogie nights ring a bell? AGH!
friday give again.

1. What was the first band you saw in concert?
well, raffi. but i don't think that counts, so i would say barenaked ladies.
2. Who is your favorite artist/band now?
the neilds and efo
3. What's your favorite song?
this is impossible. I can't even pick my favorite song by ONE band, let alone of all time.
4. If you could play any instrument, what would it be?
I really wanna learn how to play fiddle.
5. If you could meet any musical icon (past or present), who would it be and why?
I have no idea. Oh, i know. I would want to meet Dave Carter, because i only discovered his music after his death, and he is brilliant.
I dunno why i keep this thing. I have no idea if anybody even reads it. Umm.... let's see... school is out in two weeks and i'm super excited. And can i just say that i love my best friend so much? she is such a cool girl. :)

Sunday, April 06, 2003

belated friday five, once again....

1. How many houses/apartments have you lived in throughout your life?
rough estimate of seven, if you count my dorm
2. Which was your favorite and why?
probably the most recent, because i lived with my mom instead of my dad
3. Do you find moving house more exciting or stressful? Why?
depends on where was moving. when i moved into my mom's i was really happy cuz i always wanted to live with her. when i moved in with my dad i was sad b/c i missed my mom. and when my mom and i moved when i was little i was too young to know the difference.
4. What's more important, location or price?
in my current college student mind frame i would definitely hafta go with price, but it is actually more of a combination. best price in the best possible location. :)
5. What features does your dream house have (pool, spa bath, big yard, etc.)?
a room all to myself. where nobody can bother me. that has all my very own stuff. a pool would be nice, a BIG library, air conditioning, lol, maybe a tennis court, but i don't play anymore so that's not that big of a deal.