Friday, June 06, 2003

okie dokie... news of the day:

I weighed myself today and found out i lost ten pounds since last month when i was at the dr's office. all that work at the gym and eating better is paying off!

I signed up for guitar lessons. i start weds. now i can be a true folkie. :-) very excited about this.

Got my PAYCHECK! finally. (that's why i was able to sign up for the guitar lessons)

Went to the tattoo parlor with sydy to look at tattoos for her, and me. :) getting my treble cleff soon. as soon as i have the money, anyway...

That's about all for today.... going to see The Kennedys tomorrow night in b-lo. also very excited about that.... and FR is looming closer and closer, VERY VERY excited about that... there's just so much excitement in my life! lol

Monday, June 02, 2003

guess what i did this weekend? can't guess? I'll show you.... LOOK! *g*