Saturday, April 06, 2002

hehehe , check this out.

male/female orgasm

Ok, this is scary. This is EXACTLY me:

Your first name of Nichole has given you a sociable, kind, and thoughtful nature. Your sensitivity and sympathy to the needs of people causes difficulty when you need to be individual and maintain control over your feelings. You can be easily hurt and emotionally upset and, because you become so closely involved with people, you can be unduly influenced by them, sometimes against your better judgment. You are inclined to put things off until forced to take action. You accomplish more working with people who encourage and inspire you, and particularly those who can give you confidence by laying out a step-by-step pattern for you. You do not take life too seriously, because you tend to live for the day. It is not typical of you to plan ahead, to think of the consequences of your actions, and to set meaningful objectives in your life. You are more likely to drift into experiences, benefitting from social contact and the attractiveness of your personality. You have felt insecure in learning and adapting to new things, and have struggled with lack of concentration and persistence to make a success of your efforts.

try it yourself (at bottom of page)
3. How do you think you would taste if you were a food?

Strange. Like nothing else on earth.

is it just me or could this question also say "how would you describe yourself in bed?" (I'm an innocent, and you all know it)
SHopping makes me happy! Feeling depressed lately, so I went shopping last night and today. I got a new skirt, two shirts, and a pair of pants. I also got the new Nields cd . . . quite good so far. OOh, I got new bumper stickers, and I know you want to see that they say!

1.) I'm a freak. Touch me.

2.)when i grow up i wanna be like me

3.)It's better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you are not.

4.)I look weird but I'd kick your ass on jeopardy

5.)Fairy in Training

6.) Don't hold strong opinions about things you don't understand

ok . . . that's it for now . . . now comment! :)

Thursday, April 04, 2002

WOOOOHOOOO!!!!!!!!! Good news! I got my acceptance letter today from UB. Now, I don't particularly want to go there, but I REALY don't want to go to Fredonia, and now I don't have to! Yay! Oh yeah, and Ani is in 4 days!!! Woohoo!!!! Oh happy day, oh happy day . . .
la la laaaa study hall again. Still working on the essay. :( Burned the new Indigo Girls cd, Become You last night. Very good . . . ok, I'll go work on the stupid essay now

Wednesday, April 03, 2002

Study hall is boring . . . COLLEGE APPLICATION ESSAYS SUCK!!!! that's it for now. :)

Tuesday, April 02, 2002

What? He thinks he can just talk to me now, and everything will be ok? That I'm not upset? He wants to know how I'm doing? Does he really? Of course not. He doesn't want to know that I cry myself to sleep at night and I can't eat during the day when I think about him. So I tell him I'm ok. He's ok. THen he assures me I'm not replaced. What does it matter? He doesn't want me anyway. I was having a perfectly wonderful day w/o him (well, more like perfectly numb day). Why does this have to happen? Why does it have to hurt so much? Why can't he still love me? Oh wait . . . he does! argh. I'm never loving anybody again. It's not worth this pain.
OK, so today in lunch katie tells me that Josh has a new woman. Now, I know he hasn;t slept with anybody, but how am I supposed to respond to this? "Good for him?" "Gee, that doesn't bother me, I'm happy he's moving on." or even better "I'm glad he's happy without me." Now, of course part of me wants him to be happy. But most of me wants him to suffer. Is that so wrong? Make him feel as badly as I do?

Now, last night I had this weird dream about RYan, two boyfriends ago. I've been thinking about him, and decided that I want to hang out with him again. I don't see him anymore, but he's a nice guy, and we used to have a lot of fun together. So, I have this dream, where we're sitting on this couch together, and we're being very friendly, but not involved. Then we lay down together, and I have my arm around him. He turns to me and says "SO, are we just friends, or do you want things to be the way they used to be?" and I think for a second and say "I don't know . . ." and then I wake up. . . .

Monday, April 01, 2002

Ok, so here I am again . . . I'm bored, so I'm just going to write whatever comes to mind . . .Doug is evil . . . mind games . . . not very nice. (Ok, so maybe I fueled you on, but you like it) la la la . . . umm. ok. Josh. I guess he's as good a place to start as any, especially since I haven't written about him anywhere. What do you do when you find your source of comfort is now your source of pain? I never expected us to be together forever, and I knew it would hurt when we broke up, but I had no idea it would feel like this. For every time I was so happy, and bursting forth with joy, I feel it the exact opposite now. It makes me wonder if it was worth it . . . sometimes I think, no, it wasn't. I am reminded of the poem by Dorothy Parker, Incurable:And if my heart be scarred and burned,
The safer, I, for all I learned;
The calmer, I, to see it true
That ways of love are never new-
The love that sets you daft and dazed
Is every love that ever blazed;
The happier, I, to fathom this:
A kiss is every other kiss.
The reckless vow, the lovely name,
When Helen walked, were spoke the same;
The weighted breast, the grinding woe,
When Phaon fled, were ever so.
Oh, it is sure as it is sad
That any lad is every lad,
And what's a girl, to dare implore
Her dear be hers forevermore?
Though he be tried and he be bold,
And swearing death should he be cold,
He'll run the path the others went....
But you, my sweet, are different.

I know that I'll fall in love again, and that I'll get burned every time. BUt you never think about those things while you're in love. You are too happy. And what happened to my life? Somehow everything became about josh and us. I spent all my time with him, never with my friends. Now that we're apart, I've found that I have nothing of my own in my life except time now. I am finding old friends again. Why does that happen? And am I supposed to fall out of love now? Does time just take it away? Or does it stay buried somewhere within me, with nowhere to go? I know I've been single before, but what was it like? It is so easy to just fall back into another relationship, but I don't want to do that. ANd I don't think I even could right now. I gave so much of myself to him, and now it's gone. When I think about him, I get this feeling of emptiness in my stomach. Like there's nothing there. I can't eat then, that's why I lost weight. All those strong feelings I felt when we were together, that's all gone. I feel so empty . . . what do I do now? I just want to got to bed and hide under the sheets away from everybody and everything and pretend this never happened. . . . if only I could . . .
Okay, thanks to a good friend, I figured everything out. Or rather, he figured it out and then explained it to me. But now I don't feel like re-typing everything I did before, so suffice it to say parents are annoying and I'm GOING TO SEE ANI IN A WEEK!!!!!!
Ack! Problems already?