Saturday, June 08, 2002

OK, now I have learned something about myself. (well, actually I already knew this, but I am having a rude awakening) I don't take well to change. I like things the way they are. I don't want them to change. (ok, maybe a little bit) ::whining:: i don't want to graduate. I am going to miss all my friends. Things will never be the same. No longer will I have a class of 13 people, that I have known and grown up with for the past 13 years. My graduating class will be 4,000 not 147. :( is it bad form to cry when accepting one's diploma? there are only two weeks left of my entire high school career. ::shudder:: scary . . .

Monday, June 03, 2002

::giggle:: I've decided I'm a Bohemian! YAY!
look, it's me AGAIN!
You are the lego woman!
You are a rare find indeed! You are sassy, brilliant, and not to mention lookin' good! You are none other than the sexy lego woman! We can find you strolling the lego town shopping for all the latest lego fashions and then coming home to a low fat dinner and a bubble bath.
Take the "What Lego character are you?" test! by ctbx
hehe, fits me to a T.
which Episode II character are you?

Queen of Naboo. You could have a split personality - simply to hide who you really are. You are extremely polite and gentle. However, if needs be, you will take action and can be a very good leader. You have the power to make people believe in you - use this power. The one you love could also end up being the one you hate.